
Amy Sarin
 Director of Kids Ministry
Amy was raised in a Christian home and was involved in the children and youth ministries at church while growing up.  She repented of her sin and received Christ as her savior in middle school.  She graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Elementary Education and taught K-3 for seven years in Northern Virginia and for two years in Louisville, KY.  She has lived in Louisville and been joyfully married to Vivek for 25+ years.  They have four children: Kayla, Adeline, Braden, and Cameron. Amy began serving Clifton’s families as the Director of Kids Ministry (PK-5th) in 2018.
Loretta Bitner
 Director of Nursery
By God's kindness, Loretta was raised in a home that loved the Lord. Her parents, older brothers, and home church were a means the Lord used to save her as a child. After growing up in Conneautville, PA, she studied Christian Education at Taylor University. In 2000 she married Eric, who has pointed her to a greater understanding of the Lord and living daily in obedience to Him. In 2006, God moved their family to Louisville where He continues to use the preaching and people of Clifton Baptist to grow Loretta's understanding of His sovereignty and grace. Eric and Loretta are blessed with five children; Abigail, Elliana, Meseret, Asher and Benjamin.
Nathan Parsons
Minister to Senior High
Raised in Seattle, Nathan heard the Gospel through his parents and local church. After responding in faith sometime in elementary school, he continued to grow in Christian maturity through adult mentors and his time at The Master's University, from which he graduated in 2018. Nathan and his wife, Maya, then moved to Louisville to attend The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned an M.Div in 2021 and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Church History. At Clifton, Nathan oversees Clifton's high school student ministry. He works to see students come to Christ and to equip them so that they may glorify God in whatever they do.
Tommy Nissen
Minister of Music
Tommy was raised in Lawrence, Kansas in a Christian home with three siblings, and was blessed to hear the gospel often from a young age. He grew to love the Lord, and when he began to read the Bible for himself at age 15 he found his greatest delight to be in knowing the Lord and in sharing him with those around him. Around this same time Tommy began to teach himself guitar for the purpose of leading music at youth group. Since then, Tommy has had the desire to be involved in ministry, with particular desire for international ministry. Throughout his time in college Tommy helped to lead music at his church, college, retreats, and at weekly Baptist Student Union meetings. After graduating with a Biblical Studies degree from the College of the Ozarks in 2017, Tommy moved to Louisville and began attending Clifton. He began his position as Minister of Music in August of 2022. His responsibilities include planning the order of services for Sunday, choosing of songs, leading Sunday and Wednesday worship, and coordinating volunteer teams.
Alexis McDowell
Office Administrator
Alexis was raised in a Christian home, but it was through a young adult home group that she came to true saving faith. She’s so thankful for the couple who led it and their faithful proclamation of God’s Word, which the Lord used to bring her to see her sin, the beauty of the gospel, and the call of the Christian life. The years that followed were marked by an increasing love for God’s Word, the church, and other believers. Alexis is originally from Elizabethtown, KY, but moved to Louisville in 2017. She came to Clifton in the fall of 2023 and began serving in her role as Office Administrator in March of 2024. She counts it a great joy to provide administrative support to the members and elders of Clifton.
David Dykes
Pastor of Discipleship
David heard the gospel from an early age from his parents. He was helped to see his need for Jesus by watching the way the Lord changed his older brother when he became a Christian. After becoming a Christian at a young age, David continued to grow in faith through the ministry of several churches. He joined Clifton Baptist in 2001. While here, he met Ericia, and they were married in 2005. They have five children: Ruth, Elisabeth, Seth, Faith, and Joseph. David began serving as a lay elder at Clifton while working for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. He joined Clifton’s full-time staff in 2014 as our Pastor of Discipleship. In this role, he provides general pastoral care and leadership for the congregation with particular responsibilities for the small group ministry and member care.
Jason Deming
Pastor of Executive Leadership 
Jason met his high school sweetheart, who later became his wife, and she helped him discover the love of Christ. After serving in the military for over 20 years, Jason felt a calling to pursue Christian ministry. Consequently, he moved to Louisville with his family and enrolled in The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He completed his Master of Divinity and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership. Jason serves as one of our staff elders, playing a vital role in bringing the congregation's vision to life by providing guidance and support to the staff, deacons, and volunteers. 
Shawn Wright
Pastor of  Leadership Development
The Lord blessed Shawn with Christian parents who took him to church and taught him the gospel from a young age. Shawn believes he trusted Christ at the age of 10. In 1996, he helped to start Trinity Baptist Church in Louisville, KY when he began working on his Ph.D. In 2001 Trinity merged with Clifton, where he has served ever since. Shawn currently serves as Clifton’s Pastor of Leadership Development. In this role, he intentionally equips individuals for the work of the ministry through Bible study, the internship program, and the missions cohort. He also teaches church history at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Shawn is married to Gretchen, and they have five sons: Benjamin, Jonathan, Aaron, Nathan, and Stephen.
John Kimbell
Pastor of Preaching
John began to trust Christ at an early age under the instruction of his parents, and thanks God for graciously strengthening his hope in Him with each passing year. Early in his college years the Lord opened John’s eyes in new ways to His greatness and glory from Scripture and began instilling in him a deep appreciation for the local church. It was also at this time that he met his wife, Sarah. They now have six children: Anna, Rachel, Trevor, Ryan, Julia, and Tyler.  John completed his M.Div. (2003) and Ph.D. (2008, NT Theology) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and was an active member of Clifton during those years. John joined the pastoral staff in 2008 and transitioned into the role of Pastor of Preaching in 2015.