Ministry Teams

We value equipping every member to serve.

Clifton's ministry philosophy is that the elders and deacons seek to equip and facilitate the work of ministry by the entire congregation. While we want to encourage the discovery and use of an individual's particular gifts, we also ask our members to guard against thinking this is the only way to serve. The work of the church gets done by a combination of people helping in areas where they are gifted and many, many more people helping out in areas where they don't have a particular "gift!"

Finance Team

The purpose of the Finance Team is to count, record, and deposit the weekly offering. Members of the finance team serve in pairs on a rotational basis.

Deacon: Chip Crush

Greeting Team

The purpose of the Greeting Team is to welcome and direct members and guests during public gatherings, anticipating needs related to navigation, seating, and facilities.

Deacons: Aric & Danielle Gorman

Hospitality Team

The purpose of the Hospitality Team is to facilitate fellowship around shared meals for the congregation, for both regular and special occasions.

Deacon: Rachel McCarty

Member Care Team

The purpose of the Member Care Team is to train and oversee members offering counsel and care to other members experiencing difficulty.

Pastor of Discipleship: David Dykes

Missionary Communication Team

The purpose of the Missionary Communication Team is to maintain connection with families Clifton has sent out to ministry as International Workers or Global Gospel Partners.

Those on the team commit to have regular contact with the family they're connected to by the deacon, help keep the deacon and subsequently the congregation informed regarding how to pray, connect the family with the deacon and elders when needed, assist with coordinating needs when the family comes to town, and provide other assistance as the deacon has need.

Deacon: Nate Brock

Music Team

The purpose of the Music Team is to lead people to praise God in song by telling of who he is and what he has done in Jesus Christ.

Minister of Music: Tommy Nissen

Ordinances Team

The purpose of the Ordinances Team is to facilitate logistically the practice of communion, of baptism, and of the offering in public worship services.

Deacon: James Lennon

Corporate Safety Team

The purpose of the Corporate Safety Team is to facilitate the safety of people gathered for services by identifying and mitigating hazards on the property.

Deacon: Eric Kitchens

Sound Team

The purpose of the Sound Team is to facilitate the public proclamation of Christ in teaching, preaching, prayer, and song through skillful use of media technology.

Deacon: Liz Popp

Special Assistance Team

The purpose of the Special Assistance Team is to help members and regular visitors who have impaired mobility, vision, or disabilities to participate in regular church services.

Deacon: Ethan Holsteen

How do I start serving?

Become a Member

Connect with a Deacon

Serving on a Ministry Team is limited to current members of Clifton Baptist Church. Have questions about how you can become a member? Click the button below:
Deacons lead each of our current ministry teams. If you have questions about serving on a specific team, connect with the deacon to learn more.