Why become a church member?
“So, do not merely attend a church (though you should attend), but join a church. Link arms with other Christians. Find a church you can join, and do it so that non-Christians will hear and see the Gospel, so that weak Christians will be cared for, so that strong Christians will channel their energies in a good way, so that church leaders will be encouraged and helped, so that God will be glorified”
(Mark Dever, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, 162-63, 164).
(Mark Dever, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, 162-63, 164).
To qualify for membership in this church, a person must be a believer in Jesus Christ who gives evidence of regeneration, who has been baptized in obedience to Christ, following his or her regeneration, and who wholeheartedly believes in the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible. Each member must sustain the doctrines of our church and not hold any settled convictions contrary to them, in accord with our Statement of Faith, and must promise to keep the commitments expressed in the Church Covenant. The process for becoming a member begins with the Membership Matters class, and continues as explained in the grey boxes below.
How to become a member of Clifton Baptist Church:
For those under 18:
Youth seeking baptism and/or membership must complete a Youth Gospel Study (YGS). The YGS is a 3-4 session overview of the gospel that youth complete with an adult leader (such as a youth worker, elder, or Sunday school teacher). The purpose of the study is to help discern if the youth understands and has embraced the gospel with sufficient clarity that he/she can provide a credible profession of faith. Study leaders will provide feedback to the elders for review, and youth will proceed to the next step in the process only upon the recommendation of the elders. The YGS will typically occur prior to taking the Membership Matters class, but must occur prior to being scheduled for a membership interview.
To request a YGS, the parent(s) or guardian(s) who believes their youth has been truly converted and is ready for membership should request to meet with an elder to discuss their youth’s desire to be baptized and become a church member. The elder(s) and parent(s) will decide together whether to proceed with the study.
Youth must also complete the Membership Matters Class and material, but are exempt from completing the Childcare Orientation and related material until they are 18.
To request a YGS, the parent(s) or guardian(s) who believes their youth has been truly converted and is ready for membership should request to meet with an elder to discuss their youth’s desire to be baptized and become a church member. The elder(s) and parent(s) will decide together whether to proceed with the study.
Youth must also complete the Membership Matters Class and material, but are exempt from completing the Childcare Orientation and related material until they are 18.
Membership Matters Class
We have a highly informative membership class that covers the church mission and vision, statement of faith, church covenant, leadership, worship philosophy, and much more. The class is offered twice a year as a four-week Sunday School. Our hope is to slow you down just enough to help you understand Clifton with much greater depth and what would be expected of you if you become a member.
You can find the material covered and discussed during the class provided below. If you are interested in learning more about Clifton Baptist Church and the possibility of pursuing membership between December-February, we encourage you to attend the spring class which begins in February. If this is true of you during June-August, we encourage you to attend the fall class which begins in September. If you are unable to attend the class in person, please email info@cliftonbaptist.org. Whichever class you plan to participate in, you're welcome to begin watching the videos and reading the materials provided.
The final session of our Membership Matters Class is our Childcare Orientation. This orientation with related training and forms are required for all those pursuing membership who are 18 years of age and older.
You can find the material covered and discussed during the class provided below. If you are interested in learning more about Clifton Baptist Church and the possibility of pursuing membership between December-February, we encourage you to attend the spring class which begins in February. If this is true of you during June-August, we encourage you to attend the fall class which begins in September. If you are unable to attend the class in person, please email info@cliftonbaptist.org. Whichever class you plan to participate in, you're welcome to begin watching the videos and reading the materials provided.
The final session of our Membership Matters Class is our Childcare Orientation. This orientation with related training and forms are required for all those pursuing membership who are 18 years of age and older.
What makes us Clifton Baptist Church?
Below is the material that will be discussed during the Membership Matters Class. To read each document, click the icon.
Our Shared Beliefs
Statement of Faith
A statement of faith is simply a written statement of a church’s essential and distinctive beliefs. Such a statement seeks to articulate in our own words the truths that the church understands to be taught by Scripture and which define the doctrinal commitments we hold in common.
Our Shared Mission & Organization
Core Values
Covenant of Fellowship
You know a person by what he or she values. The same can be said of a church. Here’s what we most value at Clifton.
Whereas our Statement of Faith states the foundational beliefs we hold in common as a church, our covenant lays out the promises we make to one another in terms of how we will live together as a church. The covenant seeks to provide accountability for our biblical responsibilities toward one another as fellow members.
A constitution puts order to our cooperation together as a church, helping ensure that we make decisions the right way.
Want all of our documents in one place, plus more? Click the people icon to access the pdf version of our Membership Matters Booklet.
Ready to Move Forward in the Membership Process?
After you've completed the Membership Matters Class, fill out the form below to let us know you want to move forward in the membership process. Our Office Administrator will then reach out to provide you with your next steps towards membership.
If you are 18 or older and have not yet completed our Childcare Orienation, please plan to attend our next one scheduled. If you are uncertain when this will be or if you know you will not be able to attend, please email the church office at info@cliftonbaptist.org.
If you are 18 or older and have not yet completed our Childcare Orienation, please plan to attend our next one scheduled. If you are uncertain when this will be or if you know you will not be able to attend, please email the church office at info@cliftonbaptist.org.
What Comes Next?
Interview with Two Elders
After the Membership Matters Class has been completed, the next step is an interview with two elders. This is a great opportunity for the elders to get to know you, hear your testimony, and answer any remaining questions you may have about the church.
Written Testimony
Candidates for membership will write their personal testimony and answer a few other questions. This will then be published in the church newsletter for the members of Clifton.
Church Vote
Once all prior steps of the membership process are completed, you will be asked to attend a Members’ Meeting or Wednesday evening service where you will stand before the congregation and affirm your personal trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life. Afterward, the church will vote on receiving you as a new member of our church family.
For those who have already been baptized as a believer by immersion in a gospel-believing congregation, you become a member of Clifton immediately upon the affirmative vote of our own congregation. For those who have not yet been baptized, we will coordinate with you to schedule your baptism at Clifton as a public profession of your faith in Christ following the church vote.